local league

FUTURE horn heads U5 (Box Soft lacrosse)

Future Horn Heads (U5) is a soft lacrosse program that introduces kids ages 3 and 4 to lacrosse in a safe and fun environment. The program runs for 6 weeks, 30 minute session each week and will start in May.


The 3-on-3 Mini Game is a non-contact introductory version of the game scaled for young children. The smaller floor size dimensions reduce the playing space to increase the game pace, in an effort to maximize participation and development opportunities for all players. It allows for more touches with the ball and keeps kids moving and engaged while learning to play lacrosse.

local LEAGUE (U7)

Local League U7 Box Lacrosse is geared towards boys and girls ages 5 and 6 years-old that want to learn the game of lacrosse in a friendly competitive environment. The program runs for 8 weeks, 60 minute sessions each week and will start in late April.

Players participate in a weekly series of drills at the beginning of the program to determine their skill level and move into game play in later weeks. This allows us to construct teams that are balanced, fair and competitive.

local League (U9-U13)

Local League U9-U13 Box Lacrosse is geared towards boys and girls ages 7 to 13 years-old that want to learn the game of lacrosse in a friendly competitive environment. The program runs for 8 weeks, 75 minute sessions each week and will start in late April.

Players participate in a weekly series of drills followed by a game. Teams are put together to be balanced, fair and competitive.


You will meet like-minded families and give your child the experience of a lifetime while they stay active, learn valuable life lessons and become part of our amazing lacrosse community. Worried about experience? Don’t be! The most successful players are often those who are eager to try something new and want to be part of a great team!